Océane Muller   / Illustration, Graphic Design, Animation, 3D 


0000   / Various Illustrations Gallery

2023   / Edition Rivage Edition collection
Luxembourg, LU   / Residency at Casino Display

2023   / Rivage Confondu Exhibition
Luxembourg, LU   / Residency at Casino Display

2022   / Cascade DNSEP Communication
Nancy, FR   / Music Vidéo for Grow by Cifika

2021   / Images Dérisoires Master Thesis
Nancy, FR   / Monograph on Taiyo Matsumoto

2021   / Sièste Électroniques Participation for Musique et Soins
Paris, FR   / Series of illustrations

/ FR


2023   / Workshop Shape with A.M. Luxembourg
Luxembourg, LU   / Residency at Casino Display

2022   / Cascade Prototype DNSEP Communication
Nancy, FR   / Catalogue Layout

2021   / In Corpore Sano with Golgotha
Paris, FR   / Magazine, Illustration Layout

2021   / Être de Résistance Botanical Garden Exhibition
Nancy, FR   / Photography, Photomontage

Projects   / Recherches 


2022   / In Corpore Sano Illumination
Paris, FR   / Magazine, Illustration Layout

2022   / Vêtements Vivants La dépense
Nancy, FR   / Series of illustrations 3D with Rania Esstafa

2021   / Dr Marteens Dr Marteens Store Opening
Nancy, FR   / Illustration

2020   / Wall of Fame L’autre Canal

Nancy, FR   / Modular Typography